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Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Impacts

Objective: Take actions that support environmental sustainability and address the impacts of climate change on the island.
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Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Impacts is North Haven's Focus Priority 3. This priority, like the Town's other priorities, was identified during the Community Vision Process in the fall and winter of 2021. In order to address this priority and its above objective, the Town created a Climate Working Group that, with the help of Gabe McPhail, enrolled North Haven in the Community Resilience Partnership (CRP), a program through the Governor's Office of Policy Innovation and the Future (GOPIF).

Through the CRP, and in partnership with Vinalhaven and Fox Island Electric Co-op, the Town applied for funding to convert its streetlights to LED lights.

Due to the interconnected nature of our community's priorities, a climate lens is being taken in our approach to all of our priorities. Read more about the Climate Working Group and view the Town's CRP enrollment materials below.

Additionally, read about the Town's efforts to better understand our island's freshwater resources and options for mitigating the impacts of climate change on the municipal drinking water supply on the Fresh Water Resource page.

Public Notice documentFEMA hereby provides final notice of its decision to provide BRIC Program funding for an action located in a wetland. Funding would be provided through Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) to the Town of North Haven for the Thorofare Waterfront scoping project. Please view the document (linked above) for more details. 

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Vision Process Outcomes: Priority 31 document

  • Environmental Sustainability Community Vision Findings
    document seq 0.00
    To read the full Community Vision Findings Report, see the Projects and Priorities Page.

Climate Working Group1 document

  • Climate Working Group Fact Sheet
    document seq 0.00

Community Resilience Partnership Enrollment Materials2 documents

  • Municipal Resolution
    document seq 0.00
  • Climate Working Group Final Report
    document seq 0.00